Andrew, current organizer of the Bristo Mum-A-thon shared with our club the opportunity to take over the race this year and years to come. This would replace the mini-golf fundraiser and support our mini-grant program
The club will discuss this opportunity further at our next meeting. Thank you to Blaise and wife Maria for bringing this opportunity to our club.
Ornament sales are consistent - thank you Tom!
Tom has attended most Bristol Blues Games, All-Star game, and Farmers Market. The total sold is over 100! All sales going forward will be profit.
Dale, was out of sorts this morning with the brand of ketchup but the mood turned seeing the fresh watermelon
Whit, On September 10, Markk Morello, Bristol's chief of police will be our guest, we will learn about the Bristol explorers.
Judi Ann, Music on the Farm is on August 25th - see brochure link below, thankful for Tom selling ornaments and for our opportunity with Mum a thon, thankful that Jim can drive now first thing her rode was his tractor, thank you all for what you do
Cyndi, her husband is now retired, took him to dinner train in Essex, it was a peaceful ride, a retirement party on Sunday with 75 people!
Dave, thankful for Andrew, hopeful buck for Les getting better
Mary ran her 100th race - celebration, ran 4 races, Fri day night - 3 miles in the woods, nice how Olympics ladies lift each other up, inspiring, Simone is so kind, vacation next week, and will work on pulling together questions for Andrew
Laura - 40 kids at the lake from church, looking forward to nephew's wedding in NY
Norm USA winners
Claudette - Olympics
Lee hearing was restored, no longer listens to TV at level 100