Happy / Sad Bucks
Tom, Merry Christmas
Blaise, Wishing everyone a healthy + happy Christmas
Ken, Merry Christmas, don't stay out of trouble :)
Norm, Merry Christmas, and Arizona won
Whit, Happy for the Bristol coral, Dave sang, wishing everyone a healthy, fun, safe Christmas. Thank you to John and to Judi Ann and Laura for helping out
Dave, the coral event, was magnificent, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
Andrea, a buck for missing my birthday
Dale, Merry Christmas, ball game tomorrow, pre-cancer removed on ear
Claudette, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Judi Ann, UConn, even the losses are a learning experience, check out Indian Rock this Friday and Saturday night, lights, cocoa, and cookies, $8 per person
Laura, I am happy to have Chris home, and the girls will all be home by this weekend, Merry Christmas to all
Dave, son now has a film job, will be traveling more, and living in the city, $1855 a month with a few roommates