We started off the meeting with a quote, the pledge +
4-way test
Caring Moments - Our friend Les is now at Ingraham Manor. We miss you Les! Good to have Lee with us today!
Brenden Goodrich, Assistant Governor to District 7890 visited our club. Updates included - the location of the May 18, 2024, Harvest Pack / Day of Service Event (Derynoski Elementary School, Southington)
Last year 25K meals were packed - this year joining together with Southington + Farmington Rotary Clubs, Unico, Lions + Elks clubs we plan to pack 28K meals
Our flower sale starts NOW - please see the link for the flower order form below!
Judi Ann - Both UConn teams, guest speaker
Mary, missed everyone last week, good passion play, 25% more people this year, BARC gala 26th, Advocates bristol seniors Advocates, go Huskies
Whit - Husky teams, buck for John being president next year, and the great job Judi Ann is doing.
Dave - UConn Husky teams
John - enjoyed watching UConn this year! Hartford Courant opportunity to advertise in upcoming special feature
Tom - UCONN teams!
Ken - Go Uconn
Norm - Uconn teams
Andrea, sad Cindy is not here - she has to cover the branch, JEEP is almost ready!
Brenden, good to see everyone, energy in the club, look forward the day of service
Laura - UConn teams + Chris comes home in a week
Heather, go uconn
(apologies if I missed anyone's comments - my phone glitched and I had to go from memory!)
Community Events
April 20, 2024 - The Golden Ticket Gala - Boys and Girls Club of Bristol - Aqua Turf https://www.bbgc.org/gala