It was an early start to our regular club meeting. We were again joined by Andrew, director of the Mum-a-thon. John started us off with the pledge of allegiance, the 4-way test, and the shortest quote in the book.
Andrew Barton, current race director came to answer our questions/ posing the question to us…how would you put on a road race, what would you need?
Sponsors: Bristol Health is the current title sponsor. This year possible 80/20 split
Advertising: the more publicity the better. Home Depot donated wood to make a 4x4 A-frame, mummy, race date + sponsors go on sign. Yard signs. Adding to race websites, sharing with news stations, and community calendars are low-cost options, but we could also pay to advertise. In partnership with Mum Festival, grouped into their advertising.
Volunteers: make calls to schools, utilize HS athletes at water spots, good exposure for them. Volunteers sign up on the race website or Sign Up Genius. Need staffed registration table, also staging Saturday (not many people register same day but good to have that option)
Insurance: use track and field insurance for $150-200. ACTION Item: contact 7890 to see if we are covered by district insurance.
T-shirt vendor: could research – must ask how much for 5 colors front, back, and on the sleeve
Race bibs: we do custom bibs, design, and send logos for kids and adult races, all bibs have chips ($2.50 charge per bib for chip)
Registration costs: research local 5k, 10k, and 5 miles look at fluctuations, look at Hartford marathon, and see what they do. Colchester has a good deal. 2 prices, 30 & 35. Monster mile, to accommodate kids, nominal
Suggestion to visit local races to study logistics – DK run, Apple Harvest,
Once we take this over we can host wherever we want, an idea is to do a run and fireman pancake breakfast afterward and coordinate with the church. It is ok to postpone or delay the event due to weather
This project would require 100% club participation to be there
Certify race: in the future, we could certify
NEXT week – organize tasks and create a committee
HAPPY / SAD bucks
Tom, happy for Blaise and his work with the mum race, I see I am selling ornaments at the color dash, we have sold 125 ornaments – bringing some to Bristol Bazaar today, thank you, Sue, for bringing this to our attention
John, thank you to Andrew for coming to talk with us
Dave, had a great family Beach Day for his daughter's 50th birthday, great time, with 46 family members, a friend from CA nephew from Washington
Norm, sad for those dealing with Fairfield water damage
Ken, happy to be here, nothing ventured nothing gained
Susan ran into Judi at the West End festival, thank you for taking on the run and continuing with tradition, sad for floods reminding me of the flood where we lost Officer Charles
Lee, happy to be alive and breathing, sad for those dealing with flooding, heart goes out to them
Andrea, sad for Tommy's gun shop on the river, went camping in the jeep!
Laura, enjoyed the wedding this weekend and a wet day at Lake compounds
Celebrated August Birthdays:
Happy Birthday to Phylis on the 6th, Claudette on the 8th, Tom on the 12th, and Lee on the 19th