Ken, sad for people dealing with fires in California, good to see Les
Norm, the new grandmother, Mary
Blaise, good to see Les
Tom Les at the meeting
Les, happy for being here, happy Blaise will be president, sad for the war zone that is Los Angeles
Dale, good to see Les, happy even though Pen State lost, nothing to be ashamed of, end of the game Pen State fans congratulated John, happy for Laura's work on the COG

Judi Ann, good to see Les, happy for Blaise being president, Mary running today's meeting, Laura’s work with cog
Mary, end of the month BARC will finally be across the street, happy a grandma, visiting baby every other day
Laura, Les here, and Mary for leading 1st race meeting
Healing thoughts for our waitress Amanda who will be recovering from surgery over the next 2 weeks.