
On this chilly day, despite the weather, Mary led our meeting with warmth and enthusiasm. She started the meeting by guiding us through the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the Four-Way Test, a reminder of our guiding values as Rotarians. To inspire us further, she shared a powerful quote from Thomas Edison:

"The value of an idea lies in the using of it."

With this, Mary set the tone for a meeting centered on action and the power of ideas in creating positive change. Read on to see how this vision unfolded throughout the session!

Mary, Coordinator of the 2025 Mum-A-Thon
Led our 1st Run Planning Meeting
1. Tentative run date: October 19, 2025  (Hartford Marathon is October 11th + we obtain many mums from their race.  We will confirm date after logistics are confirmed.
2.   Run format: this year we hope to offer 8K, 5K + 1 mile fun run
3. We will need the following coordinators:
If you are interested in one of these positions please contact Mary call/text 860-621-8426 or
If you missed today's meeting - you missed Les...and he missed you!   Les brought in the metal COG - which will need a new home.
Happy / Sad Bucks

Ken, sad for people dealing with fires in California, good to see Les

Norm, the new grandmother, Mary

Blaise, good to see Les

Tom Les at the meeting

Les, happy for being here, happy Blaise will be president, sad for the war zone that is Los Angeles 

Dale, good to see Les, happy even though Pen State lost, nothing to be ashamed of, end of the game Pen State fans  congratulated John, happy for Laura's work on the COG

Judi Ann, good to see Les, happy for Blaise being president, Mary running today's meeting, Laura’s work with cog

Mary, end of the month BARC will finally be across the street, happy a grandma, visiting baby every other day

Laura, Les here, and Mary for leading 1st race meeting


Healing thoughts for our waitress Amanda who will be recovering from surgery over the next 2 weeks.


Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Bristol, CT
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 8:00 AM
Parkside Cafe
224 North Main St
Bristol, CT 06010
United States of America
We are back to in-person meetings!
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Upcoming Events
Bristol Rotary meets at Morning Jolt
Feb. 18, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Beth Brady
December 13
Join Date
Mario Giovannucci
December 1, 1990
34 years
Townsend Mink
December 1, 1954
70 years