President Cassidy sums up 2024
January - Started on a sour note when Farmer’s Market was taken away, but Judi Ann moved us forward.
We were still there every week as Tom, our Man of Steel did double duty from June - October
We were everywhere this year - holding 52 meetings and another 50 events and programs. Tom alone did over 70!
First of 6 Meals for Homeless at Zion Church
Multiple speakers throughout the year. Rotary Dignitaries, Safire Maher, Trinity School, Kindcare, Holly & Rachel Leone
178-9 UCONN Basketball games
Les Wolverines won the National Championship first of 4 the club is tied in with for the year, plus multiple Olympians.
February - All in for JOLT to support Mary & BARC
March - Member event at Spare time. Big win as Heather signed up on the spot!! Spare Time hosted. Andrea was promoted to residential loan officer, and Blaise went on a cruise -the first of 3. He & Terry are now our Cruise Directors
April - UCONN!!, Boys & Girls Club GALA, Prudence Crandall Celebration of Life
May , BARC Gala, Harvest Pack - 15,000 meals, Flower Sale = $620, Barnes Nature Trail clean up and Spring fair.
June, Interact Breakfast, Scholarship Dinner with Honor Guard - $300K. Rotary first - Tom sells ornaments at Bristol Blues opening day, Men & Boys Fund Breakfast, Dave picked the Ace of Clubs On of 18 wins., Dale won the other time.
July, Bristol Blues All-Star game, End Polio Night at Yard Goats
Gave out tens of thousands in Min Grants at Bristol Bazaar
August, West End Association festival - Iron Man Tom manned the booth; We’re running a Road Race!
September, Boys & Girls Club Road race, Mum Festival
October, BBK Event - well attended, $50K for BARC!!
55th Mum-A-Thon - 100% participation. - Amazing!!
November, Presidents Night Lee Sinkwich - Paul Harris Award Winner, Les joined us! Liberty Bank - $37,000 donation, Cindy has a Vacation home!!
December, Tom - Ornament update SOLD OUT? Gingerbread Competition, Mary is a Grandma!!, Salvation Army, Thank you for last last-second volunteers!!, Dale saves the day. Rotary Incorp 12/28/73 - Happy 51st, UCONN won a bowl game, Little Library Dedication - Eagle Scout Safire Maher,
Blaise has agreed to be the VP and our next President!!