
As the morning chill gripped the air, we gathered together to start our day with a shared commitment to service and community. The day began with the Pledge of Allegiance, a reminder of our unity and values as a nation. Following this, we recited the Four-Way Test, reaffirming our dedication to truth, fairness, goodwill, and building friendships.


Safire surprised us this morning with cupcakes + and handmade thank-you notes.  
She expressed her thanks for supporting her Eagle Scout project, especially to those who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony.  A timeline slide show was presented:
(click below)

John shared upcoming social opportunities:

Do you know a local High School Senior - now is the time to apply for the Schwartz Scholarship:

Today 1-4 - resource fair  (apologies - too late when this COG was released) 

Tonight - 1 ticket to the UConn game is available (again - too late)

Who is ready to bowl in the upcoming Imagine Nation Bowling Fundraiser?  If interested contact John today!  

Happy / Sad Bucks

Norm, the new president, getting less snow, and it was cold

Whit, fabulous trip to Jost Van Dyke - British Virgin Islands, celebrated 75th birthday + 50th wedding anniversary,  happy for Les - the Bills won!  Spring is coming, hoping for a good year- Ground Hog Day and, warm weather is coming up, sad buck for the  loss of heat last night, but  thankful is Jerrie is there greeting technicians

Blaise,39-degreestay the  person you are, started off the day with a healthy bowl of oatmeal and then greeted with cupcakes

Lee is happy for Safire

Dale, congratulations Safire, Notre Dame game, cold weather in Stillwater Minnesota, -19 degrees, going to ham radio in NE Pennsylvania,11 am Saturday - until 5 pm Sunday

Judi Ann, nice watching the YouTube video of Jost Van Dyke - unlike the 39 degree Vegas trip this past weekend, highest temp on Saturday of 55, the  the sphere new venue was amazing  happy for Safire

John, sad for the loss of Bob Urker, announcer, happy for Safire and her family who also volunteers

Laura, happy for Safire + having family home last week


Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Bristol, CT
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 8:00 AM
Parkside Cafe
224 North Main St
Bristol, CT 06010
United States of America
We are back to in-person meetings!
District Site
Venue Map
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Upcoming Events
Bristol Rotary meets at Morning Jolt
Feb. 18, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
David Rackliffe
January 2
Whit Betts
January 4
Join Date
Les Kish
January 1, 2003
22 years
Mark MacGregor
January 3, 2023
2 years
Cindy Arthur
January 9, 2024
1 year
Phyllis Tucker
January 26, 2016
9 years
Center, Inc. Family
January 29, 2019
6 years