On this sunny summer day, we joined at Parkside Cafe for the 32nd meeting of the year.  John started us off with the pledge of allegiance, the 4-way test, and a quote from Martin Luther King Jr.
Meeting notes:
 - John extended a BIG thank you to Heather and Judi Ann for all their work on the mini-grants 
 - Tom will set up at the August 17th Rockwell Park festival – take an hour out of your day to reprieve him or spend some quality fellowship time selling our beautiful ornaments.  Tom will get the tent from Dave after the meeting today.
 - A reminder that next week we will have a Board meeting.
 - Patty would like to transfer rotary items from her garage to the cube
 - September 7th is the BBGC Color run – since we are sponsors we can join in!
We continued our conversation from last week when race director Andrew Barton shared the opportunity to take over the race.  We came up with a few questions before we made our decision on whether we will take over.  Will volunteers come back? How many are there? What are the sponsor levels? How much for the police? EMS? Please share the outline/timeline.
We may meet at 7:30 am next week to discuss – an email will go out to confirm this.
🏃 Person Running Emoji — Meanings, Usage & Copy
President, John Cassidy
HAPPY / SAD bucks
Ken, great vacation/family 53rd reunion in Cape Cod
Norm, granddaughter Annabelle is on junior varsity summer softball, They won the last game on Thursday, the score was 13-12  next they play in the dome in Granby,
Whit, memory buck, thinking of Les and hoping he can make it to a meeting soon
Dave, great to see Kenny back, great Olympics TV coverage, enjoyed the goal zone coverage, daughter turning 50 and Abbot's for the surprise birthday
John was in Canada and missed out on Olympic coverage
Cyndi, a sad buck, a friend who has stage 4 lung cancer and is in hospice, happy about her husband's successful retirement party with 75 guests, he now spends the day golfing every day and making dinner every night
Heather, happy rain is behind us, nice not having the humidity
Andrea, Dixie's first car show (her JEEP) in Burlington, sad about a local motorcycle accident, the driver was young and did not make it, this was a reality check
Judi Ann,  Ken good to see you, great-grandson Teddy turns 5 and will have a birthday party in Cooperstown NY, thank you, Tom, for spending time at West End Festival
John, Olympics, fighting Irish, back-to-back LAX, who got 🏅medals, always cheering for UConn and Notre Dame teams, great time in Canada
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Music on the farm
Paul Harris Form
Paul Harris Society
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Phyllis Tucker
August 6
Claudette Ferrante
August 8
Tom Dickau
August 12
Lee Sinkwich
August 19
Charles Glendon
August 29
Join Date
Bob DuPont
August 1, 1996
28 years
Peter Hernandez
August 3, 2021
3 years
Tom Dickau
August 8, 2023
1 year
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