Thanks to a bequest from the estate of this former member of our club, the Rotary Club of Bristol is able to award significant scholarship support each year to deserving graduating seniors from a number of high schools in and around our area. This year we are awarding up to seven renewable* $8,000 scholarships. Eligibility requires residence in the towns of Bristol, Plymouth, Terryville, Southington, Plainville, or Burlington. If you meet these requirements we encourage you to apply. The deadline for applications is 3PM CST on Thursday, March 2, 2024, via the website: https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/bristolrotary An exceptionally substantial endowment has grown to a level from which our club is able to distribute many thousands of dollars each year as new and sustained financial support to its beneficiaries over their four-year college education.
Bristol Rotary Scholarship Fund
*Renewal awards of up to $8,000 are subject to renewal conditions and performance of the Karl J. Schwartz Rotary award fund. Scholarship America is administering the program on behalf of the Bristol Rotary Scholarship Fund, Inc.