Everyone received a Bristol All Heart pins – we will them with pride!
* Member of exchange club
* Promoting everything good about Bristol
* Will help market what Rotary is doing
--> contact Christine Cooper to post events
* Come say hi at the health fair this weekend!
* Opening of Bristol hospital this summer and a large community event in late June – coordinated with farmers market. Rotary is invited to have a table there to promote rotary - will also be giving tours of building
* 2019 Farmers Market – June 22 until the end of October + thanksgiving weekend
- Rotary could commit to one Saturday – promote rotary!
- Mayor Ellen Zoppo is looking for people to serve on boards – contact Cathy Savino at 860-584-6250
- Public Works – “rockin it”
- Ray Rogozinski is the new director of Public Works
- Lindsey Rivers 860-584-6103 interacts with community
- in school systems working on a composting project using grants from Covanta. Teaching kids how to compost, recycle. What is and is not recyclable.
- She is teaching an invasive species workshop– March 20th – bugs that come in and invade the trees – sign up online
- Follow her page – informative info – find out when roads are closed – trash pick-up - LIKE Bristol (CT) Public Works on facebook